Episode 38: Victorian 2024 all-electric requirements explained

12th February 2024 | 24m 50s

On the 1st Jan 2024 in Victoria, new “all-electric” regulations came into effect, meaning no more gas in newly constructed homes. In this episode, we discuss these new regulations and help you navigate through some of the more common questions around the timing, how to know if you’re impacted, the items being affected and the items that will now replace the gas items.

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4:48 - What are the changes regarding all-electric and no gas?

7:18 - When did these ew electric changes come into place?

7:30 - How can you tell if your land is subject to new ‘all-electric’ requirements?

12:57 - What common items will be affected by this change?

14:07 - What can you expect to see replace the normal gas items/appliances?

15:07 - How much will it cost to move from gas to all-electric?

16:22 - How will builders apply these new requirements during the transition period?

Want to reach out to Colin or Darren directly?

Colin - 0419 220 140 - colin@hlvictoria.com.au Darren - 0430 087 450 - darrenbrennan@metricon.com.au