Episode 13: Common Land Terms Explained

26th June 2023 | 23m 28s

Our goal here is to help you better understand some of the language surrounding your exciting new home building venture. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of common land terms, empowering you with the knowledge to navigate your home building journey with confidence and ease.

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2:38 Land deposit

3:20 Land settlement

3:57 Titled land

4:49 Untitled land

6:54 Plan Of subdivision or POS

8:10 Engineering plan

9:36 Easements

11:31 Estate covenants / requirements / guidelines

12:55 Memorandum of Common Provisions or MCP

13:59 Building envelopes

14:21 Setbacks

15:49 Level 1 compaction report

17:23 Bushfire zone or Bushfire Attack Level or BAL

19:10 Rescode

19:56 Small Lot Housing Code

21:10 Boundary or survey pegs

21:48 Re-establishment survey